
Product Update: April 2020

Sorting saved templates, adding general availability, better texts, and more

By Heather Roonan

What a month it’s been. We wish we could say April is going to be better, but it may be tough for a bit longer still. But things aren’t all bad! Even though we’re seeing a decrease in overall activity, we’re also seeing a lot of positivity from our users. People working together to postpone dates or schedule socially-distant performances. Event planners requesting services for future dates or making the most of their situation with a virtual event. We will get through this together!

We at GigSalad are moving forward as we always do — developing new things, improving existing features, and providing support to our members the best we can during these difficult times.

In this product update:

A shift in focus

This coronavirus is at the forefront of our minds, as it is for everyone. So our content for the next month or so will be mostly related to providing resources, offering tips, and helping our users get through this.

Resource hub. We want to keep our users as up-to-date as possible with emails, blogs, and applicable help articles. Search our blog and help center for resources, and follow us on social for more immediate updates and to see some positive stories in your feeds.

Virtual events. It’s hard to promote event planning right now since people can’t actually gather together. But it’s 2020, and there are tons of creative ways to celebrate while remaining socially distant. And that’s where our focus is right now. We will be pushing virtual events, both in marketing and on the site, and sharing creative party alternatives through our blog and social media.

Booking reports. For now, we’ll be pausing our regular booking reports that go out at the start of every month. There’s no need to send emails when there are less-than-ideal numbers to report. We can’t wait to resume these when recovery begins!

Your saved stuff has been sorted

We received feedback from our members about the difficulty they were experiencing searching through their saved messages and quotes. To make things easier when you’re responding to leads or editing your saved templates, they will now be sorted alphabetically.

If you haven’t added any saved messages or saved quotes yet, that would be a great way to spend some of your free time while staying at home! Here are a few tips to help you get started.

Set your general availability

We’ve mentioned this was “in the works” in a couple of our previous product updates, and it’s finally live!

With this feature, you can set your regular weekly availability. For example, if you work 9-to-5 Monday through Friday, you can set your general availability to 5pm to midnight on weekdays and all day on weekends.

By default, your general availability will be set to always available unless you change it in your Calendar Options. When you change it, you will no longer get leads for events happening during your unavailable hours.

Improved text messages

We’re currently working to improve the text message notification process. New lead notifications now include more detail. Previously it was a generic “you have a new lead” message with a link, but now it will tell you the client’s name, requested category, location, and the first few words of the event details.

Future work will include some behind-the-scenes changes that will improve the deliverability of text messages. If you aren’t already opted into text message notifications, feel free to do that now!

Hunt the good stuff with us

It’s easy to get wrapped up in the negative things happening around us. But there’s still so much good to be found when you look for it.

We asked our Customer Happiness team to “hunt the good stuff” and share the silver linings they’ve found while sheltering in place. Check them out, and then tell us some of your own in the comments!

🌎 Love the earth with Shannon. “With fewer people and cars out and about, rivers are clearing up, vegetation is growing, and the air is cleaner due to less pollution.”

🎭 Visit the theater with Madi. “Having access to amazing productions from home is pretty cool. Check it out!”

🎶 Listen to music with Ryan. “More musicians are connecting with their audiences through video and online concerts. Like this one!”

🏫 Go back to school with Kristin. “I have been sharpening my dividing/multiplying fraction skills, along with doing rad science projects. I am a 5th grader again!” (She’s been doing online classes with her son.)

🚶‍♀️ Get active with Megan. “I’ve made it a point to take daily walks with my dog and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. Somehow, being stuck inside has made me more active outside!”

As always, please reach out to us if you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions. We also welcome any tips for your fellow vendors or event planners that might be useful for getting through the weeks ahead.

  1. Ron Lighty April 8, 2020

    I do Library shows I have already scheduled in the summer. Requests are coming in about doing my show on line somehow. Do you have any ideas. Ron Lighty

    • Megan Price April 9, 2020

      Hi Ron, we’re currently working on a post about how you can be successful at virtual events! Keep an eye out for more info!

  2. Adam Blotner April 8, 2020

    Thanks for those updates!! Here’s a music video I put together in isolation, the “pandemic relief ballad we all deserved.” I hope you enjoy it!

  3. Gene Hamm April 8, 2020

    I am available to do caricatures at virtual parties. I have Zoom and they can see the drawing develop right onscreen and then I can email them the drawing.

    • Megan Price April 9, 2020

      That’s great, Gene! We’re currently working on launching a Virtual Events feature to help you tout those services. Keep an eye on your inbox for the announcement!

  4. Marlene K. Goodman April 8, 2020

    We caricature artists are looking to do live drawings via the Internet such as with Zoom. Has anyone offered input on that?

    • Megan Price April 9, 2020

      Hi Marlene, yes, we’re currently working on that feature and should be launching it soon. Keep an eye on your inbox!

  5. Joe Cali April 8, 2020

    Appreciate your many efforts on our behalf. Thanks for the uplifting messages.

  6. Jim Forero April 8, 2020


    I’m also on Gig Masters and what they offered us vendors is to check off (if we wanted displayed on our profile) Virtual Services Offered. Maybe Gig Salad could do this as well?

    I previously have sent a message to clients (sometimes) ~ that I’m available by phone or online to deliver a Singing Telegram…. couple times of performed a “mini SHOW” by phone, with several people on the call.

    Jim The Entertainer

    • Megan Price April 9, 2020

      Hi Jim, that’s an excellent suggestion and we’re currently working on this feature! We hope to announce it to our members soon – keep an eye out!

  7. Kyambo R Nduma April 8, 2020

    Hello GigSalad Folks,
    I was wondering what was going on over there since we haven’t heard from you and no leads for a bit. It’s nice to know that you are still working at improving your services…..the changes look fantastic! Looking forward to the end of the crisis!

    • Megan Price April 9, 2020

      Hi Kyambo, our team is working remotely but we are still running as usual! Unfortunately due to the current health concerns, leads have slowed down. But we have every confidence that they’ll pick back up soon – and we are already seeing a slight uptick! Please let us know if we can help with anything in the meantime.


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