These days, nearly every person you know has a web presence. I Googled my own name just for fun and found some old photos of myself performing, a couple of old profile pictures, and a snapshot from 417 Magazine where I’m selling merch at Legally Blonde The Musical. So maybe not the best web presence, but a web presence nonetheless. But that just makes it all the more impressive to me that some people are able to spin their web presence into both a hobby and a career — and in some cases, a celebrity status.
Take, for example, Sydney McGee. Sydney started vlogging when she was just 14 years old, and many of her first videos only received a couple hundred views. Now, just a few short years later, Sydney has gained over 2 million views and impressions on Instagram and YouTube. Her vlogs include everything from trips overseas to trips to Steak ‘n Shake, and she makes them both equally interesting and entertaining.

Sydney McGee
In this interview, Sydney shared how she turned her hobby into a full-time passion project, gave us the secret to her success, and told some awesome stories during a few rounds of Never Have I Ever. You can keep up with Sydney on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. She has a lot of really cool content, so be sure to check it out!
Show Highlights:
- How to come up with something interesting to film every. single. day. (1:33)
- The craziest thing Sydney has done for her vlog… so far (3:13)
- How to keep yourself out of trouble when the whole world is watching you break the rules (4:04)
- How to handle criticism and negativity from your fanbase (6:23)
- Sydney’s secret to success (7:12)
- How to keep a positive outlook on life (9:30)
- Never Have I Ever — policemen, sneaking out, relationship drama! (12:09)
- Sydney’s advice for our listeners (22:20)