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Regional Pricing for Cartoon Characters
We don't currently have enough data to show pricing specifically for Schertz, TX.
These prices reflect regional averages for the most common booking lengths. People most often hire Cartoon Characters for 1 hour. Of course, the cost will go up or down for longer or shorter events. Pricing will vary further depending on location, travel distance, skill level, and other specifics.
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Here’s what other planners have paid for Cartoon Characters
Event review: We did a Santa brunch and added the grinch. He did a fantastic job and was great with children.
Cartoon Characters for 1 hour
Event review: We hired Minnie for a birthday party and it was a big hit with the kids! Everyone wanted their photo with Minnie and played games with her. They arrived on time and were very professional. I highly recommend this company!
Cartoon Characters for 30 minutes
Event review: Bluey and Bingo were the best editions to my son’s party!! Whitney was amazing to work with and all the kids loved it!!!
Cartoon Characters for 45 minutes
Event review: Great communication . Very nice . The team is overall just great. A very great experience . My son loved his visit from Jj and the team presented him with a gift
Cartoon Characters for 15 minutes