Dr. Julie Connor
Overland Park, KS
Motivational Speaker
Dr. Julie Connor (TED speaker & author) works with people who want to build bridges of understanding through communication, collaboration, and inclusion. Julie…
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My 1st purpose is to WORSHIP HIM. Yes, I am made to worship Him as are we all. Be it my speech, my attitude, my private and public conversations with Him or my swagger, I am made to worship Him. And that worship induces my praise.
My 2nd purpose, and thank God for choosing lil old me, is to minister to the brokenness in people. I seldom write about light weight matters because that is seldom what I’m given. God has purposed me to talk about those things we don’t quickly propose as conversational pieces. And the creation of that purpose always ends with God’s glory & encouragement to the broken that it can & will get better…that we CAN HEAL if we just trust Him. Hallelujah, Lord!
WOW,Faith's Tempo is a great loving God fearing Artists.She is a very good communicator and very supportive.She is also an expert and a professional in her work.God Bless you.
Faith’s Tempo
Set the tempo in our hearts, minds and spirit for 2010! She shared profoundly about the newness of life; gathering our perspectives to further evaluate our intuitive self and the self that has been created by circumstances and life’s experiences. Her approach to spoken word is overwhelmingly deep, yet and still inviting through her transparency and willingness to share “her story”. The power of her words will give you hope and inspiration, translation and motivation.
Joseph S. Bowman IV
Lead Pastor
Integrity Life Church
Faith Tempo's time with us proved that she is a contemporary archetype of fulfilling the prophetic mandate to both embody and echo the power and paradox of wholeness in brokenness. Jesus Christ is the eternal archetype of this soulish endeavor for it is in and through Him that wholeness is birth out of brokenness. Faith Tempo is a general in the Lord's army - pulling, pushing, nurturing God's best in us out of us. Her spoken Word is a reveille call to march into God's preferred future for our lives. Through her God discusses the 'undiscussibles'and speaks to the HEAD, HEART, & HANDS.
It's as if that through her the Holy Spirit has one hand on our pulse and the other on the Word! If I had to describe her Spoken Word ministry I would summarize it by saying "truth touching flesh"!!!
Price Range: It's not about me, so it's all negotiable.
Gig Length: 10 - 60 minutes
Languages: English
A spoken Word that delivers THE Word, "For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Til we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ," as so eloquently stated in Ephesians 4:12-14 (study 4:10-16 for full context. It's Word we can meditate on long-term and is especially enriching for those of us in ministry).
When you book Faith's Tempo for your special event, ministry service, workshop, retreat, seminar, convention or otherwise, you'll experience a woman after God's own heart that you will be certain has studied The Word. As Pastor Bowman IV surmises in his Review: "Her approach to spoken word is overwhelmingly deep, yet and still inviting through her transparency and willingness to share “her story”. The power of her words will give you hope and inspiration, translation and motivation." As Dr. Patrick J. Oliver expresses in his Review: "Through her God discusses the 'undiscussibles'and speaks to the HEAD, HEART, & HANDS."
Spoken words are already penned and prepared to minister for the following subject matter: childhood sexual abuse, domestic violence, church hurt/backbiting, spiritual integrity, starting over/new beginnings, family-- which are mostly subject matter the Kingdom Body are challenged to transparently discuss. Faith's Tempo is God's vessel to help facilitate His Healing.
I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth!
Greetings!!! And thank you for taking your time to stop by and pay me a visit. I am Faith’s Tempo, a minister and motivational speaker whose passion is executed in the form of Christian spoken word, which has a two-fold purpose:
My first purpose is to WORSHIP HIM. Yes, I am made to worship Him as are we all. Be it my speech, my attitude, my private and public conversations with Him or my swagger, I am made to praise Him. And that worship induces my praise.
My second purpose, and thank God for choosing lil old me, is to minister to the brokenness in people. I seldom write about light weight matters because that is seldom what I’m given. God has purposed me to talk about those things we don’t quickly propose as conversational pieces. And the creation of that purpose always ends with God’s glory and encouragement to the broken that it can and will get better…that we CAN HEAL if we just trust Him. Ooh, Jesus! Hallelujah, Lord!
Born and raised in San Antonio, TX, with a strong single mother and grandmother, my 3 brothers and I were blessed to receive a solid spiritual foundation. We learned early that nothing is impossible with God. We learned early that a family that prays together really stays together.
For me, growing up under the wisdom and sometimes gut-wrenching honesty of my grandmother, rest her blessed soul, has made me so grateful. I miss her so. I miss sitting on the front porch just talking about everything and nothing. Granny was my ace. Sometimes I still feel her in the room when I'm especially sad or stressed out about something, I can smell her sweetness in the room. I can feel her arms around me. I can see her pretty brown eyes comforting me. I wish she was here to see this chapter of my life unfold because she was one of my most dedicated supporters.
I know she's absent in the body, but all of the depth of wisdom and determination that she gave my mother and I will be with us always. It's generationally powerful really. She gave a strong spiritual foundation to my mother who passed it on to me. She taught me the importance and awesomeness of being a woman who makes her mark on the world. She said, "Pen what your heart says, Baby. The world will listen." I'm almost in tears right now just thinking about her. Beautiful. Just beautiful. I can't tell you my story without including my precious grandmother.
Anyway, I started writing in the first grade. My mother still has the first Mother’s Day poem I ever wrote her! LOL. My mother. My mother. My dear, sweet, uplifting, precious mother. Ya'll, if I become half the woman she is and a third of the woman my grandmother was, I'd be most grateful. My mother is a rock. And what's more, she's a God-fearing, reverent, loving rock. Her capacity for charity, compassion, forgiveness and understanding are unparalleled. I'm sure she's where I get my warmth and need to nurture.
I got my love of writing from my mother, too. When I was a little girl, my mother had tablets and tablets and tablets of her writings. I'm certain my love of journaling gets its roots from watching her. To this day, I still wonder what was in all those pages. She had a lot to say but no platform to be heard and when God took that gift and passed down to me, my mother always said, and still says, "Baby, the world needs to hear what God has given you to say." That pulls at my heart strings and is so humbling. It's a wonderful thing when previous generations are so lovingly supportive and humbled by witnessing their dreams and aspirations get lived out through their children. To God be the glory. To God be the glory. To God be the glory.
By now, you have a least some clues about why I *LOVE* to write and I love to inspire, educate, motivate and elevate through my poetry, or better yet, HIS poetry that He chooses to filter through me. As good as God is to me and mine, and as much as God proves just how GOD He IS, the LEAST I can do is share.
Sure, there will be naysayers. But that's not my problem because my calling is to get the Word out...period. My job is to plant seeds. I hope you're entertained, but understand, too, that I am not here to entertain. I'm here to minister...to reach something deep inside you that confirms your ability to get free. I'm here to reach something so deep inside that you istantly want to go out and empty out that storage you've had padlocked for so long and clean it out to make yourself fully available to the Lord. I'm here so that you're less and less likely to throw in the towel to trials and tribulations. I'm here to serve as visual representation that we don't always look like what we've been through and it's all because God saw fit to deliver us out of the wilderness. I'm here so that the fruit of the spirit is right well represented. I'm here to be a Godly example. I'm here to impart Godly wisdom and in that wisdom, for you to see God's glory in your situation and in you. Ultimately, I'm here to PRAISE HIM and to include you in that journey so that you can reach across the fence and encourage someone else.
And don't get me wrong-- I'm not perfect and make no claims to even suggest it. What am I? I'm perfectING and trying my Godly best to be the best Him for me that I can be. I fall down sometimes but I haven't failed. If I stayed down, I would have failed, but I got up-- HE got me up! And I think I'm about to start shouting now!!! Ahh, glory! Glory to your name, God! Hallelujah, Jesus! O taste and see...
If I reach even one, I’ve done what I’ve been called to do and God is pleased. And if you are one whom God uses me to reach and would like for me to appear at an event you’re sponsoring, by all means, PLEASE, let me know. I’d be honored, humbled and priveleged to participate. Yes, I said privileged. Any opportunity to minister via the media He's provided is a privilege not be taken lightly.
Finally, I am but a vessel. I am nothing, have nothing, can accomplish nothing or press my way out of anything without HIM!
A cordless mic -or- a headset mic (makes it easy to move around to engage people)
June 08, 2013 • 1:00pm - 2:30pm | Workshop |
Available Titles (updated periodically):
Holding On to My Anointing
To Tell the Truth
Testimony: Autobiographical Recall
Don't Let the Past Kill You
How Will Your New Year Begin
(We Be) Family
The Inerrant, Infallible Word of The Most High.
My grandmother (rest her blessed soul) and my mother-- saved, beautiful, strong and anointed women, in love with God, standing firm that He IS Who He says He Is.
The village that is The Body of Christ (including my Pastors from TX and WA state), who introduced me to Christ at age 4, who helped raise and support me in Christ from childhood to adulthood and who spans across these United States in support of that which God has appointment me to do.
Finally, God's consistent tugging at my heart to stay His course, to constantly listen for His instruction and to TRUST Him to be God-- to BE Whom He has always been-- the I Am that I Am!
Microphone - Cordless, if available
Headset Microphone, if available
A Stool (wooden or whatever's available)
Dr. Julie Connor (TED speaker & author) works with people who want to build bridges of understanding through communication, collaboration, and inclusion. Julie…
Karen C. said “I would recommend Gina for any team building. If you work in a predominantly female field this is a great way to create bonds.”
Blair T. said “I’ve listened several times but I’ll never forget the first time where he spoke to a crowd at a youth talent contest hosted by a local church. His words…”
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